
How To Clean A Aluminum Boat

Then, your boat is in dire need of cleaning, huh? While you can often get away with rinsing your aluminum boat just with fresh water, you lot must deep make clean your boat using a commercial or a homemade aluminum cleaner every in one case in a while.

Yep, you read information technology right – we'll guide you lot through the process of cleaning aluminum boats using vinegar in this post. Moreover, we'll also share our knowledge with yous on how to become rid of pitting in aluminum boats. Read on to find out 9 fantastic tips to clean your aluminum boat!

How to Clean Aluminum Boat

1.  Avoid a Sunny Day

Avoid a Sunny Day

Aluminum has high oestrus conductivity and therefore heats up pretty easily. That is also 1 of the reasons why aluminum is a commonly found metallic when it comes to kitchen wares.

If your gunkhole has been parked under a scorching lord's day for hours, it tin can get as well hot even to touch; cleaning it is too far-fetched!

If you're planning to clean your boat on a sunny mean solar day, make sure you park your gunkhole in a shady area, if possible, for a couple of hours or cover it up with a tarp.

2.  Condom comes first!

Safety comes first!

While at that place isn't whatsoever poisonous ingredient that you have to play with on your aluminum gunkhole cleaning routine, many commercial cleansers can oftentimes be a little as well harsh for your hands.

Even if you lot're merely using laundry detergent to wash your boat or in the example when yous use steel wool to clean stubborn patches, it would be best if yous protect your hands with a pair of gloves.

iii.  A power washer is a critical tool

A power washer is a critical tool

Always make sure that you lot're cleaning your aluminum boat in an surface area where you tin can access clean, fresh h2o for your power washer. A power washer is a great boat cleaning tool.

Information technology is neither recommended nor necessary to use an expensive aluminum boat cleaner for your routine boat cleaning. Merely spray the with a power launder, use a good quality lather, and let it soak for 5-x minutes.

Call back that you shouldn't let the lather dry on your aluminum gunkhole surface, as it simply adds an extra layer of grime y'all need to put attempt into cleaning up. Finally, ability wash your boat hull from top to bottom and wipe information technology and permit it dry.

4.  Start with a regular car/boat soap hot h2o solution for deep cleaning

Start with a regular carboat soap hot water solution for deep cleaning

Firstly, your target must exist to remove accumulated dirt and big debris from your gunkhole. Prepare a hot water lather solution or apply a good quality car wash.

Scrub any stain or patches you discover. You don't need to double down your scrubbing effort correct away equally yous'll be subsequently cleaning the spot again using a dedicated cleaner.

5.  Dilute you're aluminum cleaning solution:

Dilute you're aluminum cleaning solution

There are commercially available cleansers that are specifically intended to clean aluminum. But remember that these cleansers aren't intended for you to utilize concentrated on your gunkhole.

Read the manual and dilute the product according to how deep a cleaning your boat requires. In general, these cleaners are recommended to exist diluted by a gene of iii or 4.

Utilise this cleaner to whatever patches you lot notice and scrub them lightly. Feel free to scrub the stains using steel wool over your non-painted boat aluminum surface if they are stubborn.

Finally, feel free to end by applying aluminum polish later buffing in club to remove pocket-size imperfections such that you get a shiny terminate on your aluminum boat.

6.  Vinegar works wonders too!

Vinegar works wonders too

Yep, vinegar might exist one of the praised ingredients in your kitchen recipes. Only only true DIY lovers are enlightened of the fact that vinegar is also a fantastic ingredient when it comes to DIY cleaning recipes.

If you're looking to bring dorsum the smoothen to your aluminum boat without whatsoever employ of harsh abrasive tools or expensive commercial cleaning products, vinegar is the perfect candidate for yous!

Set a fifty % vinegar solution past mixing vinegar and h2o in a ane:1 ratio. The solution is believed to be the well-nigh efficient when prepared in warm water and fresh, possibly distilled water. Never make the error of using sea or lake water that is high in saline content to clean your boat.

Spray the mixture onto your vessel using a water sprayer and let the solution sit for around a infinitesimal. Finally, wipe your boat using a clean and moist piece of a soft cloth.

If the stains and dullness in some areas in the boat persist, try making a vinegar-baking soda paste by mixing one part vinegar with three parts soft baking soda. Use this paste as a spot treatment and scrub information technology onto the expanse using a scrubber brush.

Reminder – information technology would exist all-time if you don't expect vinegar to work equally a miracle cleanser. It is only all-time for water stains, dirt, and mild cleansing and won't probably work against stubborn mold and mildew and years-onetime stains.

Once that is done, make certain you thoroughly make clean the area with a boat lather or a car lather and rinse with fresh water. Cleaning an aluminum gunkhole with vinegar is truly an ingenious hack!

7.  Utilise a cleaner wax to clean your painted aluminum gunkhole

Use a cleaner wax to clean your painted aluminum boat

A painted aluminum boat, similar any other painted surface, needs utter care during cleaning and maintenance. The use of abrasive sponges, steel wool, and harsh cleaners to clean off stains and water marks is a big No-No!

Instead, use a cleaner was to clean your painted aluminum boat. 25% vinegar solution is also effective in removing water stains from the painted hull.

In case of stubborn mildew stains, feel free to use paint-friendly commercial cleaners, merely make sure that y'all don't leave the cleaner for long, as it might atomize and damage your boat paint. Nonetheless, factory paints on aluminum boats are relatively more resistant to cleaners.

In example of minor scratches and imperfections, employ the best shine for painted aluminum boats commercially available for a fabulous outcome.

viii.  Removing pitting from your aluminum boat:

Removing pitting from your aluminum boat

If your aluminum boat has corroded and you notice any minor holes formed due to depassivation on the hull or the bottom, y'all'll take to put in more attempt than in cleaning a sleek and smooth aluminum hull. You have to employ abrasive tools in order to remove corrosion from your hull.

  • Dry sanding:

The first method you tin can follow is dry sanding. Start by dry sanding using 200-400 dust sandpaper, followed by lower grit newspaper. In the example of deep pits, use even higher grit sandpaper.

E'er finish your sanding session past using effectively grit sandpapers in the end for a smooth finish.

  • Wet sanding:

Moisture sanding is superior to dry sanding in the aspect that it produces less corrosion dust, and the sandpaper doesn't clog as oftentimes as information technology does in the instance of dry sanding. You will, all the same, demand to purchase the sandpaper designated for moisture sanding, as dry out sanding dust paper will autumn apart.

Just equally in the dry sanding, start by sanding with coarser git papers 200-400, followed by 600-800 effectively dust newspaper last sanding.

  • Using a razor blade:

If sanding doesn't seem like a good fit, employ a razor blade to scrape off the damaged area on the aluminum boat lightly.

Finally, wipe off all the debris, vitrify, and finally, apply a proficient-quality aluminum polish for minor covering minor imperfections and future protection.

ix.  Wax for protection:

Wax for protection

Waxing adds an extra layer on top of your gunkhole pigment, thus, preventing your gunkhole from fading and discoloration due to UV rays. While nigh all of us hold that waxing our boats for protection helps us maintain its newness for long, the net's opinion on how oftentimes to wax your boat varies.

Gunkhole waxing not simply keeps your boat colour preserved and pristine simply besides protects your boat outside from salt breakdown, corrosion, and unwanted marine growth and buildups.

Having said that, wax isn't a permanent solution to these issues, and routine protection, cleaning, and repairs are equally, if not more, important in order to continue your boat well-maintained and shiny.

Some say that y'all wax your boat every iii to four months, some say one time a month is a better routine, and many believe that waxing your gunkhole subsequently every cleaning session is a must.

You can determine the appropriate timing and frequency of your boat waxing depending on how often and for how long you lot utilize the boat. In case of defoliation, seek for manufacturer's guideline or contact a local boat expert for communication.


This post is not just a 'ix tips on how to make clean an aluminum boat' mail service, but you tin can employ it as a complete guide to figure out your boat cleaning process.

If you accept any insights and experiences you'd like to share with us regarding aluminum boat cleaning, we'd exist more than happy to hear from you. And in case of whatsoever queries, feel complimentary to drop your questions downward beneath!


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