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When tin can I eat later on a root canal? Post-obit a root canal, your dentist or endodontist will advise you on the next steps regarding your aftercare. This article discusses when you tin eat, what you can swallow, and what you lot shouldn't eat afterwards a root canal.

Root canals are an easy, quick, relatively painless procedure. To relieve the tooth and minimize pain, a dentist or endodontist removes the inflamed or infected lurid (the connective tissue within the tooth that provides blood supply and connects to the root).

A crown is eventually placed over the damaged or reconstructed tooth to ensure regular use and stability. The process is quick and does not require time-off afterward from daily life to heal. This in-and-out procedure is one of the near popular dental treatments in the U.S., with more than than fifteen million performed every year.

In that location are 2 outcomes following a root canal procedure. First, y'all might immediately have a permanent crown fitted onto your tooth, or more than probable; you will go a temporary crown until the permanent 1 is made and fitted- which may take a week or two.

Your mouth will be numbed subsequently your root canal.

Nether both circumstances, your mouth will be numbed with a local coldhearted for the initial procedure. Furnishings of numbing will crusade y'all to lose the bulk of feeling within your gums, teeth, and tongue.

The problem with this is that since you won't be able to feel your mouth for a few hours, you lot run the risk of biting your cheek or tongue if yous try to eat or even called-for yourself with food that y'all're unable to tell is too hot. Typically you tin begin drinking fluids 30 minutes after your procedure.

Once you are no longer numb, endeavour eating soft foods.

While unlikely, it is possible to pull out, harm, or scissure a temporary crown or even a permanent crown with hard food. In addition, your oral cavity may exist sore from the process, in which case you can take an OTC medication such equally Ibuprofen (Advil) or Acetaminophen (Tylenol). Finally, you'll likely be told to avoid chewing food in full general on the tooth that received the root canal until the permanent crown is fitted and adhered (which may take up to a day subsequently the crown is put on).

Soft foods you can eat include but are not limited to:

  • Scrambled eggs
  • Yogurt
  • Rice
  • Soft bread
  • Ice cream/sorbet
  • Pasta
  • Soft fruits
  • Cooked vegetables
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Soft cheese
  • Peanut butter

What shouldn't I consume after a root canal?

– Hard foods

  • Following a root canal, you chance damaging the temporary or permanent crown, but you also risk hurting yourself! This could elongate your healing procedure and crusade pain.
  • Problematic hard foods include simply are not limited to nuts, ice, raw vegetables (i.e., carrots), hard candies.

– Chewy foods

  • Chewy foods such every bit certain meats and candies put excess pressure on your freshly fixed tooth and tin cause pain and damage.

– Spicy foods, hot foods, & cold foods

  • Later on surgery, your tooth or teeth volition naturally exist more than sensitive than usual. Following your process, it'south essential to try and avert any spicy, hot, or super common cold foods that may irritate your teeth. This should go abroad with time and healing.
  • If you lot however experience sensitivity long after your dentist or endodontist suggests, contact them immediately.


  • Ever consult with your dentist or endodontist to determine what aftercare program is best for you.
  • It is standard practice to wait until 30 minutes after your root canal to drink liquids such as water.
  • It is recommended to wait until your mouth is no longer numb (a few hours) earlier you eat to avoid biting your cheek/tongue and eating food that is too hot or cold.
  • If you receive a temporary crown afterward your root canal, y'all'll likely exist encouraged to stick to a soft nutrient diet until your side by side appointment.
  • Once you receive a permanent crown, yous'll likely exist told to avoid eating with that tooth until the adhesive that binds the crown to your tooth hardens fully. This may take a few hours or one day.
  • Post-obit your permanent crown, information technology'south okay to slowly transition back to your regular diet, avoiding super hard foods (like chewing ice) in general.
  • Contact your dentist or endodontist immediately if you lot experience intense pain or discomfort.

Dr. Charles Dennis is certified in endodontics. In other words, he has all of the formal training of a dentist, with extra experience and education in the preservation and restoration of infected or injured teeth. The primary procedure in endodontics is root canals.

If you are in the Northeastern Pennsylvania, Scranton area, and require a root canal or think yous may need i, use our online booking organisation or telephone call Abington Center of Cosmetic and Family Dentistry at (570) 587-4031.